S U B M I S S I O N S                                                            1st Posted: 04.29.2005 Revised: 03.28.2006

Submission procedure:

Only manuscripts in English will be reviewed and published. They should be submitted as an email attachment and sent in an IBM-compatible format in Word or Wordperfect. Because this is an interdisciplinary journal, manuscripts can be submitted in any recognized publication format. As soon as the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are responsible for preparing it according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed. 2001). See http://www.apastyle.org/. For APA Style essentials see: http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.cfm?doc_id=796. More detailed guidelines are stated below.

Submissions should be typed with all components of the manuscript double-spaced, including title page, abstract, text, quotes, acknowledgments, references, appendices, tables, figure captions, and footnotes. The abstract should normally be 100-200 words, typed on a separate page. Unless truly necessary, avoid the use of author-date citations within the text of the abstract itself. An author note should be submitted with any acknowledgments and contact data for the principal or corresponding author (full postal and email addresses) in case readers might wish to contact the author after an article's publication.

Manuscript length is flexible, but is generally expected to range between 30 and 60 double-spaced pages. Otherwise, the manuscript should follow the guidelines of the latest Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Only original manuscripts, written in English, are considered. Manuscripts should be checked before submission for the quality of the written English language usage. In case of incorrect language use, the manuscript will be returned to the author before it will be taken into consideration. Authors must use nonsexist language in their articles. For information on this requirement, read 'Guidelines for Nonsexist Language in APA Journals,' which appeared in the June 1977 issue of the American Psychologist.

Submitted manuscripts will be acknowledged promptly by email. All manuscripts are reviewed by scholars with special competence in the area represented by the manuscript. In order to facilitate the proper matching of reviewers, we ask you to provide six key words describing the subject of the work.

Book Reviews: The editors of the journal will not only consider regular manuscripts but also accept unsolicited book reviews. Each book review should contain the author(s) name(s), title of the book, price and ISBNs for paper and cloth editions, number of pages in the book, and publisher information and address.

Permissions: Authors are responsible for the content of their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to publish a table or figure or to publish a quotation of 500 words or more. Authors should write to original author(s) and publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages to use the material in the article and in future editions. Provide paper copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained when submitting the final Publication Rights Agreement described below.

Regulations: In an email letter, authors should state that the findings reported in the manuscript have not been published previously and that the manuscript is not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Authors should also state that they have complied with American Psychological Association ethical standards in the treatment of participants in any empirical research.

Publication Rights Agreement: Upon acceptance of the manuscript by the IJDS for publication, the author(s) will license the manuscript to the International Society for Dialogical Science (ISDS), publisher of the IJDS, under a Publication Rights Agreement. This license takes the form of a non-exclusive, time-unlimited, non-terminable, royalty-free, worldwide right to publish the manuscript online or in other formats and to include the manuscript in other derivative works such as edited books or collections of papers. Within the scope of this license, however, the author(s) retain(s) ownership and copyright in the manuscript for all other uses. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the principal author will complete a Publication Rights Agreement and secure the required signatures of other authors for the agreement. Copies of the Publication Rights Agreement can be downloaded here as either a (1) Microsoft Word rich-text document or (2) Adobe® portable document format (pdf) file. Note that a completed Publication Rights Agreement must be sent by postal delivery to the following address: Prof. Vincent W. Hevern, Associate Editor, IJDS, Le Moyne College, 1419 Salt Springs Road, Syracuse, NY 13214, USA. FAX copies of the agreement will not be acceptable. An email will acknowlege receipt of the agreement and permit publication to go forward.


Final drafts can be submitted as an email attachment. If there are problems downloading it, the manuscript on a disk will need to be sent to the editor's regular postal box to:

Hubert J.M. Hermans, Bosweg 18, 6571 CD Berg en Dal, Netherlands.

Before sending the final draft, ensure that it has the following pre-copyediting format:

Authors should be sure that their manuscript conforms as closely as possible to APA Style throughout, particularly in regard to source citations within the text and in the Reference list. Authors rather than the journal editors are primarily responsible for the correct format of their article. If an author is unfamiliar with APA Style, please let the article's editor know and the IJDS will happily work with the author to bring the manuscript into compliance with APA Style.

Figures and Tables. Figures must be no larger than 6 by 9 inches and should be "camera ready," i.e., require minimal processing for correct display and easy readablility. If a figure cannot be easily displayed within a 6-inch wide space on a page ("portrait orientation"), it will be rotated 90 degrees for display in "landscape orientation" of no more than 9 inches in width. If a figure cannot be easily displayed in either portrait or landscape orientation or is not easily readable, it will be returned to the author for revision and further work. In case of doubt, please contact the article's editor to explain the difficulty. Please avoid using needlessly complicated charts and graphs. Simplicity is preferred, e.g., two-dimensional bar charts are normally better than 3-dimensional ones. Similarly, authors should design any tables so that they can be easily displayed and read. If the IJDS cannot set into print without great difficulty tables that are readable and fit within the limit of a page 's printable space (generally 6 x 9 inches), the manuscript will have to be returned to the author for revision.

Manuscript Submission:
Professor Hubert J.M. Hermans,
Editor: International Journal of Dialogical Science
Bosweg 18
6571 CD Berg en Dal
e-mail address: HHermans@psych.ru.nl