Independent Self in Narcissistic Personality
Disorder in Comparison to
to Dependent Personality
Disorder: A Dialogical Analysis
Giampaolo Salvatore
Antonino Carcione
Giancarlo Dimaggio Centro di Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale,
Roma, Italy
pp. 31-49
ABSTRACT. Many manifestations of human
dependency are adaptive, such as looking for
proximity, care, and support when in distress, or
establishing stable bonds in which others are
perceived as a safe haven that can shield us
against many difficulties and dangers. In spite of
these adaptive manifestations, dependency can be
maladaptive. Psychiatric classification has
generally labelled dependency “Dependent
Personality Disorder”, but empirical evidence
supports the notion that maladaptive dependency
symptoms are positively related to the majority of
DSM-IV PDs from all three clusters. A disorder in
which only a few thinkers have noted the presence
of severe aspects of unhealthy dependency is
Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is
completely lacking in the DSM description of the
disorder. In
this paper we highlight
maladaptive dependency features in NPD and comparing
them with unhealthy dependency in DPD. Our analysis will make use
of diary and session fragments involving
patients with severe manifestations of both NPD
and DPD, and will be carried out within the
framework of Dialogical Self Theory.