and Organizational Value of Self-Positions
Maria Francesca Freda
Raffaele De Luca Picione
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
pp. 51-60
paper the authors propose a reflection on the
relational value of the self-position-construct.
They elaborate on contributions coming from “The
dependent self in Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
a dialogical analysis” (Salvatore, Carcione, &
Dimaggio, 2012) and “How about you? Building stones
for a dialogical self therapy for children” (Doorn
& Nijnatten, 2012).In
analyzing these contributions the authors notice how
a dialogue conduced from a self-position does not
only define identity, but organizes relations with
others and with context as well. For this reason the
identity and relational value of a self-position can
be considered two faces of the same coin. This is
supported with reflections on the concept of
positioning, of how to intend emotionality it and on
the role of language in human relations. With this
contribution we propose to appreciate the clinical
application that the self-position construct can
offer to the development of relations and increasing
of opportunities of choice of the subjects.