Tensions in Heroic Military and Military-Related
Moral Injury
K. Farnsworth University of North Texas
pp. 13-37
ABSTRACT: In recent years, greater
attention has been provided to
moral injury as an important risk
factor for the mental health of
Veterans. As
research into moral injury is still
in its nascent stages, this area of
would be bolstered by additional
theoretical accounts of moral
detrimental effects on psychological
well-being. To this end, Hubert
theory of the dialogical self is
applied to moral injury in male
Veterans with
an emphasis on understanding how the
interplay of cultural myths and
identities may combine to make
Servicemen deployed in the theatre
of war more
vulnerable to moral injury. Specific
emphasis is given in reviewing how
mythological figure of the hero
informs both military culture and
masculine ideals and fuses them into
the westernized soldier-hero figure.
It is
argued that male Veterans who
identify strongly with this
soldier-hero figure
may be ill equipped to face the
moral uncertainties presented by
Quotations of Veterans from
published empirical and clinical
sources are then
used to demonstrate how
identification with the soldier-hero
figure may put
male Veterans at risk for moral
injury. Finally, clinical
recommendations are
provided for clinicians seeking to
assist Veterans recovering from
combat-related moral injury.