Lia da Rocha Lordelo Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Brazil
pp. 77-84
Abstract. This
on Raudsepp’s (2017) article resumes the main
theoretical connections
proposed by the author, who presents the
particular phenomenon of cognitive
polyphasia within social representations theory,
along with concepts from
Pierre Bourdieu’s relational sociology; and also
contributions from the
dialogical self theory—especially the idea of
semiotic potency within the
positioning of the Self. After distinguishing
two kinds of polyphasias—positional
and intra-positional—she then applies this
theoretical interconnection in order
to empirically understand how Estonians from a
pre-world-war generation have
dealt with political and social changes
throughout their life trajectories.
Next, this comment brings the concepts of
personal and collective culture to
the discussion in order to highlight the
importance of analysing concepts in
relation to each other. The central purpose of
this comment is to argue in favour
of a “relational primacy” (Salgado &
Gonçalves, 2007)—between the
individual and the society as much as between
theoretical concepts
Keywords:cognitive polyphasia, social
representations, dialogical self,
dialogue, personal culture, collective culture