Education in a Time of Globalization: Expansion,
Localization and Connection (Comment on Fecho)
Instituut voor Beroepskeuze en Loopbaan
Psychologie (IBLP)
Hilversum, The Netherlands
pp. 129-135
response to Fecho’s work a case is made for dialogue
in the classroom. It is argued
that dialogue can bridge contradictions that we are
faced with as a result of the
globalization process. It is increasingly important
that education takes this
message to heart and aims to raise citizens; it is
essential that young people
learn to become attuned to the beauty and aesthetics
inherent in dialogue and
are not merely brought up to focus on succeeding on
the labour market or to see
culture as another consumer product. The review
discusses what dialogue is and
how a dialogical space is created by taking on
myriad I- and we-positions and
switching between them – even playfully. Finally
dialogue is also about
developing one’s talent, imagining optimistic
possible futures, and addressing
conflicts by getting to know others viewpoints;
dialogue is both clarifying and
creative and essential to the development of
individuals and the collective in
a civilized society.
KEYWORDS: dialogical education,
globalization, play